Say Goodbye to apache-, php, and php-pecl-* packages in Amazon Linux 2023: Here's What to Do Next!

Why the Removal?

Amazon is always striving to improve its products, and that includes keeping software packages up-to-date and secure. The apache-, php, and php-pecl- packages were removed from Amazon Linux 2023 due to outdated software and compatibility issues. As technology advances, it's essential to stay on top of these changes to ensure the best possible experience.


Drupal cacheroter and pear Cache_Lite conflict

Well, it is nice when your project to group and it mean not only more money, but more server resources. And if you didn't start to receive money it will be normal if you will start to search for options without increasing monthly payments.


Zeitgeist is just mainstream or trend.

How you detect trends? how you follow mainstream? and do we need Zeitgeist?

May be you see news? may be you read opinions and conclusion from analytics? Well, every one have goal, my own goal is to be clear how I can get what I want and mainstream can help me in my goal.


SimpleXML for PHP4

Do you like and use SimpleXML? it is nice library for development common tasks, but have one BIG limitation - SimpleXML extension requires PHP 5. And what you will do if client have PHP4? it will be big success if client can upgrade php to version 5, but if not? There are a lot php custom solution which require PHP4 and clients don't want to spent money for upgrades or just prefer to to leave it as it, because it work.


IAF decoder coder - an PHP class for Outlook!

Outlook is Microsoft mail agent program. And it is popular, because is part of several Microsoft software packages.

When peoples work with Outlook long years. And it is normal for peoples to use this data in another application. In many cases when peoples choose program they can not images which requirement they will have in the feature. As result it is possible to have data in "unique" format. And when you need to change mail server you need to configure. But why man need to open dialog boxes and make mistake when hosting company are able to provide ready to use configuration file? or take outlook configuration file to fetch data from another mail server?


GPix 1.4.1

Main goal for GPix versions 1.4.x is integration with third party systems. GPix 1.4.0 was release with integration API. Now, this API is improved and new integration modules added.

So, if you use vBulletin, Drupal, Mambo or Joomla. GPix can handle user authentication for this systems. As result you existing user don't need separate registration for GPix. More all existing users will be handled automatically.


Fight with empty pages or enable error reporting and debug

When users install scripts or play with functionality they can get 'white page'. Commonly page without content mean that something is wrong and you can not see errors, warnings or notices, because reports of this type disabled by php configuration.


NULL problem in GPix admin panel

Latest weeks I got many bug reports about error like this:

Database Error: DB Error: constraint violation(update `mp_settings` set 
`admin_email`='',`html_email`='0',`use_fckeditor`='1', `secret`='jdb314tab518', 
`interlaced_images`='0',`palette_images`='0',`site_down`=NULL, `blog_comments`='0', 
`order_image_galleries`='ksort#SORT_REGULAR',`pixel_list_enable_images`='1' where `id`='1' 
[nativecode=1048 ** Column 'site_down' cannot be null])


GPix 1.4.0 released

Why I release 1.4.0 directly after 1.3.6?
answer is simple - new core functionality.

New integration design provide way integrated GPix with third party software. As example in 1.4.0 you can see Joomla integration.


backlink checker

I have received several mails from active GPix testers about 'back links' functionality.

It is common way to increase you site rank and don't spend direct money for this.
So, I see common problem 'curl' extension and cron setup.

As result I will try to implement this functionality without this requirements.

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