
AWS ElastiCache: Types of Data You Can Store and Manage

  • ElastiCache for Redis:
    • Can handle different kinds of data like text, numbers, and lists of items.
    • Useful if you need to organize data in various ways, not just save single pieces of information.
  • ElastiCache for Memcached:
    • Mainly for storing single pieces of information and finding them quickly.
    • Good for simple needs like remembering a user's profile or speeding up commonly requested data.


Caching in on Performance: How Caching Mechanisms Transform Financial Systems

Coffee shop analogy illustrating caching in finance

Picture your favorite coffee shop, where the barista knows your order and hands it to you right away. Caching in finance works similarly, ensuring systems run efficiently and fast in both B2C and B2B scenarios. In this post, we'll demystify caching through relatable examples and explore mechanisms like CDN cache, application-level cache, and built-in database caches. Discover how caching powers seamless financial experiences, all while keeping things simple for non-technical readers.

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